Ambient temperature: -0 - +35 °C/4 - 95 °F
Relative humidity: 30 % - 80 % (non-condensing)
Atmospheric pressure: 500 hPa to 060 hPa
Ambient temperature: -0 - +60 °C/4 - 40 °F
Relative humidity: 30 % - 80 % (non-condensing)
Atmospheric pressure: 500 hPa to 060 hPa
Battery performance
Handpiece will operate approximately 5 minutes
time starting upon complete recharging.
Time to battery recharge: approximately 0 hours
Battery over current protection
Resetable fuse
Battery life
Minimum 400 full recharge cycles
Light emitting diode
Average light intensity
Approx. 950 mW/cm² (CureRite output)
Output peak wavelength range
450 - 490 nm (intensity maximum at 460 nm)
Unit handpiece dimensions
Length: 59 mm
Width: 8 mm
Tip dimensions
Length: 93 mm
Width: 4 mm
Unit weight
Handpiece and tip: 00 grams
Charger: 45 grams
Additional symbols
Consult accompanying documents
Battery recycling