4.3 Manual disinfection
1. After cleaning [4.2 Manual cleaning] thoroughly wipe all device surfaces with a
single-use cloth in combination with an alcohol-based, bactericidal, virucidal and
fungicidal disinfection solution approved according to local regulations and use
according to disinfectant solution manufacturer’s Instructions for Use. Make sure
disinfectant solution is compatible with cleaning solution. Pay special attention to
devices seams and insertions.
2. Remove disinfectant solution residue with a cloth soaked with water.
3. Dry devices with a lint-free single-use cloth.
4.4 Automatic washer-disinfector
As an alternative to manual cleaning and disinfection, the devices can also be pro-
cessed in a washer-disinfector
. Use only properly maintained, calibrated, and ap-
proved washer-disinfector according to ISO 15883-1.
1. In case of gross contamination of the devices, remove it using a soft brush and run-
ning water.
2. After opening, place devices in the washer-disinfector allowing water and detergent
to wet all device surfaces and to drain off afterwards during the washer-disinfector-
program. Follow washer-disinfector’s Instructions for Use.
3. Run washer-disinfection program with A0 value ≥ 3000 (e.g. 5 min at ≥ 90°C), using
appropriate detergents
4.5 Autoclaving
The devices can also be autoclaved.
1. Steam autoclave device unwrapped at 134 °C/ 2 bar = 273 °F/ 29 psi for 3 min-
utes 30 seconds.
4.6 Lubrication
1. Regularly apply medical white oil to the Snippers
Do not continue to use damaged or soiled devices.
5 Lot number ( )
1. The following numbers should be quoted in all correspondence:
• Reorder Number
• Lot number
[These Instructions for Use are based on Master Version 03]
For example Miele Washer-Disinfector G7835 CD using program vario TD with neodisher
(alkaline detergent) and neodisher
Z (acid neutralization and cleaning detergent); both detergents from
Dr. Weigert, Hamburg, Germany (no products or registered trademarks of DENTSPLY International,
K100404-00 AutoMatrix S.indd 5
14.08.14 09:08