Powered by SD Electronics
RepeatNone: No repeat, will stop after all the movies in the playlist are played.
Repeat 1: Continuously playing current movie, repeating itself.
Set A/B
Set the movie to repeatedly playing section A to section B.
Show the playlist of the movies folder. You can use the P+ and P- (channel up/down
button) to go to next page and previous page quickly.
Show the information of the movie: Resolution, Audio Track, Subtitle, Program and
Slow Forward -
Slow motion play, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x slowing speed.
Step Forward
Pause the screen and stepping one step at a time to play the movie. Press Play button
to continue playing the movie back.
Goto Time
Input the time directly using the number keys on remote to go directly to a particular
section of the movie.
Zoom in the movie, x1, x2, x3 mode.
Zoom out the movie, ½, ¼ mode.
Aspect ratio
Change the aspect ratio of the movie, Auto, 4:3, 16:9, Zoom1, Zoom2 mode.
Move View
Only available when zoomed in the movie. Move the zoomed movie for pan and scan
Press EXIT button to return to previous menu.
10.4. TEXT Menu:
Select the drive/partition of your USB/hard disk. Normally it is C: drive.
Select the folder where your Text (.txt) files are located.
After the folder of the text files are selected, you can see the list of all the text files available.
Press OK button to start viewing through all the text files.
Prev. Page
Go to the previous page. Can also be used with
button on remote.
Next Page
Go to the next page. Can also be used with
button on remote.
Go to the previous text file. Can also be used with I
button on remote.
Go to the next text file. Can also be used with
I button on remote.