3. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
C-250E R14 Page 16
Servicing the Packing / Seals
1. First remove the eight 6mm head bolts. (See Fig. 8)
2. Place the screwdrivers as shown between the head and crankcase of the pump, lifting one
up and the other down. The head should start to lift off of the plungers. (See Fig.9)
3. When you remove the head you may notice that some of the water seals have stayed on the
plungers and some in the head. (See Fig.10) To remove the seals from the plungers simple
turn the assemblies and pull off.
4. If the seal assemblies are in the head use the reversible pliers to grab the seal retainer on the
inside bore (NOTE: Use a rag so you do not mar the piston guide area), twist the retainer in
either direction. (See Fig.11)
5. With your fingers pull the high pressure seal and head ring out of the head.(See Fig.12)
6. The low-pressure seal is located in the brass seal retainer. Using the mechanics pick go in
between the seal and retainer, twist and pull, the seal will come out of the gland.
(See Fig.13 & 14)
7. Remove the seal retainer O-ring with the mechanics pick. (See Fig.15)