Workflow: Do Wi-Fi Setup
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eZNT-Wi Programmable Wi-Fi Thermostat Application Guide
Edition 1.4
1. Press and hold touch area 8.
2. Then, press and also hold touch area 4 until PIN appears on the display. (about 5
3. From the Configuration Menu, enter the four digit PIN code (1011).
Touch area 4 serves as the 1 key and touch areas 1 serves as the 0 key.
4. Confirm that CFG appears briefly on the display.
To view the current configuration settings
1. Log into the On-Screen Configuration Menu as per previous
2. Press touch area 4 to enter the current setting and move forward to the next item
in the menu. Press touch area 1 to move up to the previous item. Press touch area 5
to move down or press touch area 8 to move up through the possible values.
The previous figure shows the button function when you are logged into the
configuration menu. You press these touch areas (Previous and Next) to navigate
through the options and also to change a configuration setting (Down and Up).
To save configuration changes:
1. Log into the on-screen configuration menu. If needed, see the To log into On-
Screen Configuration Menu procedure. [Link]
2. Navigate to the menu option that you want to change.
Press Next and Previous buttons to move through the menu options.
Press the Up (Increase) and Down (Decrease) to change a configuration
3. Use touch area 4 to move down to the last menu option labeled END.