Overview: Wi-Fi Concepts, Passwords and Modes
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eZNT-Wi Programmable Wi-Fi Thermostat Application Guide
Edition 1.4
You can connect with enteliWEB in dual mode but the connection is
extremely slow. When AP mode turns off and only station client mode is
active, the enteliWEB connection is typically at least 10 times faster.
The intent of the temporary dual Host Access Point (AP) and Client Station mode is
to provide a temporary configuration and communication interface. This mode is
initially used to notify the web client that station mode was successful in joining a
network. Dual mode is the default behavior on a new wireless thermostat or after a
reset to the factory default database using the RUN/CLEAR jumper. When a wireless
thermostat was previously on the network, it remembers its previous connection
unless you do the Run Clear procedure. You can turn the AP Mode on using the On-
Screen Configuration Menu. Normally, an NFC app is a more convenient way to
configure the network.
MAC Address Defaults
A wireless thermostat in AP mode might show an SSID such as eZNT-447F in the
wireless network connections list. You can choose this SSID (e.g. eZNT-447F) from
your desktop/ laptop or mobile device to make a connection in AP Host mode.
Each eZNT-Wi/ eZNTW-Wi has two unique MAC addresses.
1. AP Host mode Wi-Fi adapter (IPS2) (e.g. 00:40:AE:06:44:7F)
2. Regular Client Station mode with BACnet over UDP/IP adapter (IPS1) (e.g.
00:40:AE:06:44:7E). (AP Host Mode - 1)
AP Host Mode (IPS2)
The last 4 digits of the AP mode adapter MAC address are the last 4 digits in the
device SSID (e.g. eZNT-447F). The last four digits of the AP Mode HEX MAC address
shows up in the LCD display when a wireless thermostat is powered up. (e.g. 447F)
The IPS2 object shows the AP Host mode MAC address in its description field.
Station Client Mode (IPS1)
The station mode adapter MAC address is the MAC address used if your IT group
wants to whitelist wireless devices based on their MAC addresses. The IPS1 object
shows the station mode MAC address in its description field. This address is always
one less than the MAC address of the AP mode adapter.