Video signal PEAK level: For PAL format , the video signal level is 1000±200mV
For NTSC format, the video signal level is 140±15IRE
If the level is too low, it will cause the image to dim and reduce dynamic range, but if the level is too
high, it will lead to virtual shadow and reduce the definition of the image .
SYNC level: by testing the amplitude of the video sync pulse to verify if the video level is correct and
the coaxial cable connectivity is good.
For PAL format, the SYNC level is 280 ± 35mV
For NTSC format, the SYNC level is 40 ± 5IRE
If the level is too low, it will cause the image to fracture or scroll, but if the level is too high, it will lead
to reduce the image’s color levels and dynamic range.
COLOR BURST chroma level: by testing the color burst level to estimate whether the coaxial cable is
the best to transmit the details and color.
For PAL format, the Chroma standard level is 280mV
For NTSC format, the Chroma standard level is 40 IRE
If the Chroma level is low or too low, the color will not bright, and some details on the iamge will lost
or get dark or white when the monitor receives the iamge.
If the Chroma level is too high, there will be spots on the image. If this occurs, it cannot get the clear
image with all the details.
If the coaxial cable is too long, it will reduce the chroma level
Video signal level
Chroma level( COLOR BURST)
SYNC signal level
Video signal level
chroma level( COLOR BURST level )
SYNC signal level