Stacking Dell Networking Switches: N4032, N4032F, N4064, N4064F
Adding new member units to a stack
It is important that all stack member units run the same version of firmware. Make sure to either upgrade
firmware on the new units to be added to match the firmware on the Master, or use the automatic
firmware update method found in section
Automatic firmware updates for new members joining the stack.
The example below shows how to add a stack member to an existing stack. Before cabling a new switch
into the stack, perform the commands below to setup the switch ports to be stacked. Once configured,
continue to follow the instructions for cabling to complete the task. If multiple new members are to be
added, complete the installation of one switch before going to the next. Complete these steps again for
each switch to be added.
This example allows adding new members without preconfiguring the existing stack, though the new
members themselves will need to be configured. To preconfigure a stack before connecting the new
stack member, consult the
User Guide
Preconfiguring a Stack Member.
Command-line interface method
Run the commands below on the switch to be added using either the console port or a telnet session.
show switch stack-ports
Configured Running
Stack Stack Link Link
Interface Mode Mode Status Speed (Gb/s)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------
Te1/0/1 Ethernet Ethernet Link Down Unknown
Te1/0/2 Ethernet Ethernet Link Down Unknown
Te1/0/3 Ethernet Ethernet Link Down Unknown
Te1/0/22 Ethernet Ethernet Link Down Unknown
Te1/0/23 Ethernet Ethernet Link Down Unknown
Te1/0/24 Ethernet Ethernet Link Down Unknown
Fo1/1/1 Ethernet Ethernet Link Down 40
Fo1/1/2 Ethernet Ethernet Link Down 40
Te1/1/1 Ethernet Ethernet Detach 10
Te1/1/2 Ethernet Ethernet Detach 10
Te1/1/3 Ethernet Ethernet Detach 10
Te1/1/4 Ethernet Ethernet Detach 10
Te1/1/5 Ethernet Ethernet Detach 10
Te1/1/6 Ethernet Ethernet Detach 10
Te1/1/7 Ethernet Ethernet Detach 10
Te1/1/8 Ethernet Ethernet Detach 10
Notice the two 40G QSFP+ ports represented by interfaces
These two interfaces will
be used for stacking in the example below, though any of the interfaces listed may be used. Perform the
following commands to convert each desired port to Stack mode.