Deploying FCoE (FIP Snooping) on Dell Force 10 MXL
dcbx port-role auto-upstream –
with this command the port-role is established as a
dcbx capable upstream port to communicate with top-of-rack FCF switches such as the
Cisco Nexus 5000 series.
no shutdown –
configures the port as active.
exit –
exit from interface configuration mode
interface port-channel 5 –
this moves into the port-channel 5 configuration
portmode hybrid -
configuring portmode hybrid will allow for the native VLAN untagged,
and a tagged VLAN to exist on the port together. This is similar to switchport mode trunk in
industry standard CLI.
Switchport -
this configures the port as a layer 2 port.
fip-snooping port-mode fcf–
enables the port for fip-snooping from an FCF connection
no shutdown
exit –
exit the interface configuration
interface Vlan 20 –
Initializes VLAN 20 for use.
exit –
exits interface configuration mode
interface Vlan 1000 –
Initializes VLAN 1000 for use. This VLAN will be the FCoE VLAN that will
pass the storage traffic after the intial FIP negotiations occur on the native or default VLAN.
tagged TenGigabitEthernet 0/1-3
– This adds these ports to the tagged VLAN 1000.
tagged Port-channel 5
fip-snooping enable –
Enables FIP-snooping for this VLAN which will set all ports involved
to have MTU or Jumbo Frames (mini) of size 2500
no shutdown –
activates VLAN 1000.
exit –
exits interface configuration mode
service-class dynamic dot1p –
This sets the switch to globally honor dot1p priorities for traffic
on the switch.
feature fip-snooping
– This configures the global enablement of the FIP-Snooping feature on
the switch.
protocol lldp –
Sets the global enablement of LLDP on the switch.
exit –
exit from configuration mode
Follow the same
validation steps as mentioned with the single link steps
to ensure that this
configuration is working correctly. The ideal method for troubleshooting or validation is to take one
link at a time.