S e t u p a n d Q u i c k Re f e r e n c e G u i d e
About This Guide
This document contains getting started/setup; solving problems; and
safety, regulatory, and warranty information about your Dell
To obtain the latest versions of the documents on your hard drive, go to the
Dell Support website at
Regulatory model numbers appear throughout this document; their chassis
type equivalents are shown below:
Finding Information for Your Computer
Regulatory Model Numbers and Chassis Types
DHS = small desktop (SD) chassis
DHP = small form-factor (SF) chassis
DHM = small mini-tower (SMT) chassis
What Are You Looking For?
Find it Here
• A diagnostic program for my computer
• Drivers for my computer
• My computer documentation
• My device documentation
D r i v e r s a n d U t i l i t i e s C D
( a l s o k n o w n a s t h e
R e s o u r c e C D )
You can use this CD to access documentation, reinstall drivers, or run
diagnostics tools.