Total Eclipse
Installation & Operations Manual
SECTION 3 Trouble Shooting
1. The green light is on, indicating power to the unit; but the
red light is also on, and the Total Eclipse won’t run.
a. Ensure that the 5lb. check valve is plumbed in the main
plumbing line after the tee to the water inlet of the Total
Eclipse. This creates the pressure in the plumbing to divert
the water into the Total Eclipse and prime the pump.
b. There could be an air lock trapped in the Total Eclipse. With
the pool’s main circulation pump running, carefully open the
union in the water out line from the Total Eclipse. As water
starts to flow out of the union, quickly re-connect it. This will
drain the air lock.
2. The Total Eclipse runs with the main circulation pump, but
when the main circulation pump is turned off, the Total
Eclipse shuts down immediately or shortly after.
a. Ensure that you still have power to the Total Eclipse (green
light is on).
b. Ensure that your filtration equipment is working properly.
The addition of a new sanitation device, like the Total
Eclipse, will destroy a great deal of contaminants in the
water and leave them to be filtered out. Therefore, you many
find it necessary to clean your filter to un-restrict flow to your
Total Eclipse.
c. Air is seeping into the Total Eclipse, prime is lost at the flow
switch, thus shutting down the system.
i. Inspect the pool’s plumbing for signs of leaks. Water
seeping out of a fitting, when the pump is running,
means air can seap in when the pump is not running.
ii. Inspect the design of the plumbing for traps where air
pockets can collect. If an air pocket makes its way to the
Total Eclipse, it will disengage the system’s flow switch,
shutting down the unit.
d. Ensure that the Total Eclipse is plumbed as described, using
a 5lb. check valve at the juncture where the plumbing tees
into the Total Eclipse, and returns from the Total Eclipse
back into the main plumbing to the pool.
3. The Total Eclipse has become clogged.
When installed as recommended, the Total Eclipse draws in
filtered water free of debris. If it does however get clogged,
unscrew the base of the expansion fitting and carefully remove
the injector. It can be cleaned with vinegar or a mild acid solution.