SES Installation & Operations Manual
ii. If the Spa Solar Eclipse is mounted below the water line, run
tubing to a point above the water line and back down to the
vacuum source.
c. Install the check valve in the tubing above the water line. Ensure
flow direction is from the Spa Solar Eclipse to the vacuum source.
d. Secure all tubing connections with hose clamps.
4. Electrical
a. Verify that there is no power to the spa and connect the Spa Solar
Eclipse cord into the mating connector(s) on the Spa Controller.
b. Where possible, route the Spa Solar Eclipse power cord away from
other electrical lines. Avoid routing the power cord parallel to any
low-voltage signal wires.
c. Use a minimum 8 AWG solid copper conductor to connect the
bonding lug provided on the Enclosure Base to the spa equipment
5. Operation
If installed correctly, the Spa Solar Eclipse will turn on and off as
required by the Spa Controller. After installation, turn the spa on and
verify that the POWER ON (green) and UV LAMP ON (blue) indicator
lights are illuminated. Repair any leaks in the water or ozone lines and
Figure 2: Spa Solar Eclipse System Diagram
Isolation Valves
Water from Spa
Water Return
to Spa
Check Valve