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Power limit
Pmin. = 0...50 %
0...50%. Power controller lower
limit value, referring to generator
nominal power. Lower limit, to
prevent low load running when
running constant power from
mains (peak shaving, option F).
Power set point
External OFF
ON/OFF. Selection of external set
point via analog input no. 1
(terminal 93-94).
If power set point
external = ON, the
following displays
will occur:
Analog input
0/4-20 mA input type celection
Ext setpoint
0(4)mA =F0000kW
Zeropoint and fullscale for
External setpoint.
F = Fixed generator load
B = Power import from mains
(option F only)
L = Power export to mains (option
F only)
Ext. Setpoint
20 mA = F0200kW
RS232 control
ON/OFF. Selection of command
and setpoint settings via RS232
interface (Option D only)
Power controller
Nz = 05.5%
0.5...25.5%. Neutral zone, active
power controller, percentage of
generator nominal power. In paral-
lel with mains, the active power
will be within Pset ±Nz.
Power contr.
Gain Kp = 10.0
1.0...99.9. Amplification factor,
active power controller. The Kp af-
fects the ON time for the relay out-
put. Kp
= ON time
Power contr.
Sens.red. * 2.0
1.0...99.9. After reach of setpoint,
there will be a delay of min. 5 s
before any command pulse is set
i.e. the sensitivity is reduced.
Example: With a Nz of 2.5% and
Sens.red of 2.0, the Nz will, for 5
s, be raised to 5%. After this, if ac-
tual value is within 5%, Nz returns
to 2.5%. This prevents hunting of
the controller.