Printed 7/2/2016
MV Lioness Owners Notes v2015.2
Page 6 of 36
Before Leaving Dock
Switch shore power breaker to off position on panel.
Turn off dockside shore power breaker.
Disconnect shore power cord from shore side first, remove adapters
and stow all in starboard cabinet of Portuguese bridge.
On panel, move slide to inverter and move breaker to ‘up’ position.
Make lines ready to bring aboard and insure that they cannot foul a
Soon After Leaving Dock
Fenders hauled aboard and stowed.
Remove lines and place safely on deck or hang on hooks on bulwarks.
Stow any other deck gear.
Doors and hatches closed and secured as appropriate.
“Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out…”
Stabilizers On or Off as needed.
RPM under 1200 until engines warm to 140°. (Most efficient cruising
speed is 1900-2000 RPM.)
Be courteous, watch your wake.
Approaching Dock
Fenders out on appropriate side.
Thruster ON (green button).
Bow line OUTSIDE stanchions and bloused around toward amidships.
White lines are for bow and stern, black lines are for spring lines from
Stabilizers in “Center” position for 5 seconds then in “Off” position.
Engines idle, wheel centered for engine/thruster maneuvering.
Come to a complete stop before maneuvering.
Mate ready to secure appropriate line (amidships or stern line first).
Upon Arrival at Dock in Marina
Lines secure: 2 forward spring lines, 2 aft spring lines, bow line, stern
Make sure dock and boat circuit breakers are both off before
connecting cord.
Connect shore power cord then turn on dock and shore power