IE Port
Refers to the port that your DVR will use to communicate with your network and Internet. Knowing this port is
necessary for the DVR to be viewed properly over the Internet.
Media Port:
This port is used to initiate communication to the DVR. The media port is entered at the end of the IP address to
connect to the DVR. If using the default port (80), your Internet browser will automatically add port 80 at the end of
the address, even though it may not be visible. If using a port other than 80, you will need to add that port to the end
of the IP address when typing it into the web browser. (Ex. If using port 2000 and the IP address is you
would type in the address bar of Internet Explorer).
IE Port Vs. Media Port:
This DVR has two different ports required for online viewing, IE Port and Media Port. Most of the DVR communication
goes through the IE Port. It is used for accessing the DVR footage, software and the DVR menu. Media Port is used to
initiate the communication to the DVR. It is used as a gateway to the main port. The media port should be left as 80
unless port 80 being blocked by your ISP.
To Change the port you are using:
1. Select the drop down menu next to the port you would like to change and a keyboard will appear.
2. Type the port number you would like to use then select enter to close the keyboard. The ports cannot be the
same number
3. Select “apply” to save your changes.
(IP ADDRESS). The numbers here represent the Internal IP address of your DVR. If your DVR is not properly connected
to the router, the address will appear as or the words “getting IP” will be displayed
To acquire an IP address:
• Make sure the DVR’s IP mode is set to DHCP
• Once adjusted to DHCP, select “apply” to save and exit the menu
• Unplug the power cable from the DVR
• Connect the included network cable from the back of the DVR to your router
• Plug the power cable back into the DVR
• Enter the network setup menu to verify that the IP Address is displayed on the network setup
Note: The internal IP address is the most important number on the Network Setup Menu screen
and the Ports will be used to set up Port Forwarding which is necessary for viewing the DVR
outside of the current network.