Fuse blown, or the
circuit breaker tripped
Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Remove any other
appliances sharing the same circuit with the dishwasher
Spilled rinse-aid
Always wipe up rinse-aid spills immediately.
Hard water minerals
The affected items are
not corrosion resistant.
The lid of the softer
is loose
A sp ay arm is
knocking against
an item in a basket
Items of crockery
are loose in the
wash cabinet
This may be caused
by on-site installation
or the cross-section of
the piping.
A programme was not
run after dishwasher
salt was added.
Traces of salt have
gotten into the wash cycle.
To clean the interior, use a damp sponge with
dishwasher detergent and wear rubber gloves.
Never use any other cleaner than dishwasher
detergent for the risk of foaming or suds.
Always run the quick wash programme .
without any crockery in the dishwasher and
without selecting the Turbo function (if present),
after adding dishwasher salt.
Check the lid .Ensure the fix is fine.
Interrupt the programme, and rearrange the items
which are obstructing the sp ay arm.
Interrupt the programme,
and rearrange the items of crockery.
This has no influence on the dishwasher function.
If in doubt, contact a suitably qualified plumber.
Detergent with colorant
was used
Make sure that the de terg ent i s the one wit hou t
c olorant.
Improper detergent
Make sure the dishwasher is turned on and the door is
closed securely.
Check that the water supply is connected properly and
the water is turned on.
Make sure to close the door properly and latch it.
Make sure the power cord is properly plugged into the
wall socket.
Power supply is not
turned on
Water pressure is low
Door of dishwasher
not properly closed.
Kink in drain hose
Filter clogged
Kitchen sink clogged
Check drain hose.
Check the c oars e fil ter
(see section titled " Cleaning The Fi lter " )
Check the kitchen sink to make sure it is draining well.
If the problem is the kitchen sink not draining ,you may
need a plumber rather than a serviceman for dishwashers.
U se o nly the s pec ial d ishw ash er d etergen t to avoi d
s uds. If th is occur s, open the dishwasher and let
s uds evapora te A dd 1 gal lon o f co ld w ater to th e tu b.
C los e an d lat ch t he d ishw ash er, t hen sele ct a ny c ycle .
D ish washer w ill d rain out the wat er at the first step.
O pen the doo r aft er draini ng i s over an d check if th e
s uds have dis app eare d.