The filter prevent s larger remnant s of food or other obj ects from getting insi de th e pump.
The residues may block the filter, in this case t hey must be rem oved .
The fi lter system consists of a coarse filter,a flat (Main f ilter)
A nd a microfilt er(Fine filter).
Fo od and soil part icles trap ped in this filter are pulverize d by a
specia l jet on t he l ower spray arm and w ashed d own drain.
La rger ite ms, such as p ieces of bon es o r glass, that could block
the dr ain are trapped in the coarse filter. To remove the i tems
caught by the filter, gently sque eze the tap on th e top of this
fil ter and l ift out.
This filter holds soil and food residues in the sum p a rea a nd
preve nts the m fr om b eing red epo site d on the dish es d urin g wash cycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fin e filter
Filter assembly
The filter effi ciently
For best performance and results, the filter must be cleaned re gularly.
t his reason, it is a goo d idea to
remove the larger food particl es trapp ed in the filter aft er e ach was h cycle by rinsing the sem icircular filte r and
cup under runnin g water. To remove th e fil ter device, pull the cup handle in t he upward d irect ion.
re mo ves f ood particle s from the wa sh w ater, allowing it to be rec ycle d during the cycl e.
The d ishw ash er m ust never b e used without the fi lters.
Impro per replacement of the f ilter may reduce the perform ance level of the appliance
and dama ge dishes and utensils.
Step 1
Turn the
filter countercloc kwise,
St ep 2
lift the filter assy up
When following this procedure from step1 to step 2, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 2 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.