Reviewing t he section on troubleshooting Tips will help
you solve some common problems by yourself.
Dea r Cu stomer,
Pl ease car efull y read th is m anu al before using the
dishwa sher, it w ill h elp y ou t o us e an d mainta in the
dishwa sher pro perl y.
Pass i t on t o any subseq uen t ow ner of the app liance.
This manual contai ns se ctions on safety Instr ucti ons,
Operating Instr uctio ns, Inst allat ion I nstructions and
Tr oubl eshooting Tip s, etc.
The man ufacture r, fol lowi ng a policy of con stant
development and updating of t he product, may
make modificatio ns w itho ut gi ving prior not ice.
If lost o r out -of-date , you can receive a n ew user
manual from the ma nufacturer o r respon sibl e
K eep this man ual for future ref erence.
If you cannot solve t he problems by yourself,
please ask for help from a professional technician.
Dishw as her Fe at ures... ............ .... ..... .... ........ .... .... 6
Water Soft ener...... ......... ......... ............ ..... .......7
................................... ............... 12
Recommendations for loadi ng and unloadi ng
th e dish washer
Filter System...... ..... ..... ......... ..... .......... ..... .... ..... .16
Car ing for the Di shw asher.......... .......... . ... ......... ..17
Loading th e Salt into the Soft ener.... ..................8
Filling the Rinse Aid Dispenser........ ........ ......... 8
Functi on of Dete rgent . .......... ......... ..... ......... ....9
Loading the upper
Loa ding the Lower
. .... ..... .......... ..... .... ..... ..13
Bas ket
Wash Cycl e Table.............. ..... .......... ......... ..... .....14
Turning on the Appliance... ......... ......... .......... ......14
... ... .... ..... .... ..... 15
Chan ging t he Pro gram mid-cycle
At the end of the Wash Cycle ... ..... .... ....................15
Befo re calling for service................. .......... ....... ...25
Error codes.................................... ...................26
Technical information.............................. ..... .....27
Cont rol Panel.. ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ .6
I nst allation preparat ion. ..... .... ..... .......... ..... .... .....18
... .....19
Aesthetic panel's dimensions and installation
Ten sion ad jus tment of the door spring ......... ..... .....21
Connection of drain hoses.. .... ..... .......... ..... .... .....21
Dishwash er installat ion steps.. .... ..... .......... .... .....22
About E lectricity Con nectin g... .......... ......... ..... .....23
Cold Water Connecti on. .......... ......... ..... ......... ..... 24