Owner’s manual – ESQUIRE 35
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Bilge pumps and bilge pumping systems are not designed for damage
control. Check the function of all bilge pumps at regular intervals. Keep
inlets free from debris.
Do not discharge oil or cleaners into the water.
8.6 Acrylic surfaces
The surfaces of the galley cupboard, salon cupboard, chart storage and the
windscreen on top of the salon are made of acrylics. Acrylic surfaces are susceptible
to scratching. When cleaning, always apply clean, lukewarm water and wipe with a
soft, lint-free cloth. Do not use any aggressive or scrubbing cleaning products. If in
need of soap preferably use soapy water with dishwater detergent.
8.7 Stainless steel
Stainless steel is not totally resistant to corrosion. Keep stainless steel hardware in
top shape:
Clean all stainless steel hardware frequently with soap and water. Never use
coarse abrasives like steel wool, acids or bleach on stainless steel.
Remove rust spots as soon as possible with a chrome or brass polish.
Use a good quality car wax to protect stainless steel hardware.
Periodically inspect your boat for tightness and fit of screws, bolts, clamps and
8.8 Esthec® composite decking
For maintenance and treating of the cockpit and swimming platform decking you
should follow up the factories instructions. Esthec documentation is supplied
8.9 Toilet
Refer to manufacturer’s manual for proper care and operation information. Do not
allow guests to place rags, sanitary napkins or hard, solid objects in the toilet.
8.10 Black water tank
The craft has a waste holding tank installed. There is an odour filter installed in the
tank vent line that should be replaced yearly. The filter element is available at any
Vetus dealership. Various chemicals are available to control odours and help break
down solids. Consult your marine dealer to determine the best product to use. After
the holding tank is emptied, fill tank with fresh water and pump it out again to rinse
the tank.
Chemicals used to clean and deodorize during storage must be compatible
for your holding tank system. The tank should be empty during storage,
during long periods of non-use and at freezing temperatures. Overboard
discharge of waste must only be done in approved areas and following the
local regulations for discharging chemicals or waste.
There are many marinas that are certified to pump out your holding tank.