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anchor from the bottom. If the anchor remains stuck, let out a few more
meters of line and attach it to the bow bollard. While keeping tension on the
line, slowly manoeuvre the boat around the anchor to help loosen it. Avoid
running over the anchor line.
Always stow and secure the anchor and line before departing.
4.8.2 Mooring
Helpful guidelines when mooring:
Each mooring line should be of appropriate strength, material and type to
safely secure the boat when moored.
Each mooring line should be longer than the length of the boat.
Use bow and stern mooring lines, as well as spring lines, for additional security.
Never attach a mooring line to a point or part of the boat that is not designed
to withstand the stress and the weight of the boat.
4.8.3 Towing
The designated strong points for towing or being towed are the two front bollards and
the aft bollards.
Follow these guidelines when towing or being towed.
Use extreme caution when throwing weighted lines to a boat. When in rough
seas, use a light throwing line with a weight secured on the towing end and a
heavier towing line secured to the other end.
Never attempt to tow a boat larger or heavier
than your own.
Never attempt to tow a grounded, damaged or
capsized boat.
Use a tow line that is rated at least four times
the gross weight of the boat being towed.
Make sure tow lines are in good condition and
are free of damage, cuts or abrasions.
Attach a tow line to a strong point of the
disabled boat.
Attach the tow line to the aft bollard in the cockpit.
Leave at least two boat lengths between the
boats for adequate movement.
Never allow anyone to be in line with the tow
line. If the line should break or pull free,
dangerous recoil could occur, resulting in severe
injury or death to anyone in its path.
Adjust the tow line to match wave action. Keep the boats on the crest or in the
through of the waves at the same time. In protected, calm waters shorten the
line for better handling.
Tow at moderate speed, allowing for adverse wind and wave conditions.
Have the operator of the towed boat steer with you if possible.
Have a person watch the towed boat and, if necessary, be available to signal
the operator of the towed boat.
Check with local authorities prior to towing for additional regulations and restrictions
on towing other boats or equipment.
Use extreme caution when
using tow lines and when
connecting tow lines to
bollards. Death or serious
injury could occur if lines fail
while under extreme tension
Do not allow anyone in the
vicinity of a towing wire