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7.1 Bilge pump system
Water will enter the boat for a number of reasons,
including heavy seas, strong storms and long periods
of rain. The bilge area is the deepest part of the hull
and where the water settles.
The bilge pumps are located in the lowest part of the craft. One is situated in the
technical area and one is located in the engine compartment. As the pumps are
important safety devices, it is important to regularly check that they are working in
the proper manner.
Bilge pump one (1) is located in the technical area
underneath the boiler at mid ships. This pump is using
the electricity from the service batteries and will not be
operable when the service batteries are isolated. Bilge
pump two (2) is located in the engine compartment
underneath the flooring at the mid ship. This pump is
powered by the starboard side start battery and will
always be operable even when the battery switch is
switched off.
7.1.1 Checking/maintenance of bilge pumps
Checking the automatic operation should be done monthly to ensure the boat is
always protected from flooding. To check, manually
flick the floating switch (located directly next to the
pump) upwards so that the bilge pump starts running.
Always make sure the floating switch is unobstructed.
If the pumps are not starting, make sure the circuit
breaker is switched on and that the fuse for bilge pump
number two (2) is not blown. In the case that no visible problems can be found, it is
necessary to call a professional marine technician to assess the problem.
7.2 Required safety equipment
As the owner of the craft, obtaining and maintaining necessary safety equipment is
your responsibility. The required safety equipment you must have onboard can vary
by region or body of water.
7.3 Recommended safety equipment for boating offshore:
Medical first aid kit.
6 Life jackets.
Required fire extinguishing equipment.
Life buoy and safety line.
Pyrotechnic Signal Kit
Emergency position indicating radio beacon (epirb).
Manual bailing device (bucket, hand pump, etc).
Mooring lines and fenders.
Spare flashlight and batteries.
Spare fuses.
Emergency VHF radio.
The bilge pump system is not
designed for damage control.
Always make sure the bilge
pumps are in good working
order. Never operate or leave
the boat unattended without
proper working bilge pumps.
Check the function of all bilge
pumps at regular intervals.
Clear pump inlets from debris.