P e rf o rming a clean system installation
This section provides instructions for what is commonly called a “clean” installa-
tion of system softwa re onto hard dri ve s .
Clean installation renames your System Folder and installs a new System Fo l d e r
on your hard disk dri ve. Any special files yo u ’ve added to your System Fo l d e r
remain on your hard disk, and you can install them into your new System Fo l d e r
after you install the system softwa re .
You should perfo rm a clean installation only if you suspect that
the system softwa re on your startup disk is damage d .
1 .
Shut down your computer.
2 .
I n s e rt the
Disk Tools
disk (from System 7.5 or greater) into the flo p py dri ve.
3 .
Tu rn on your computer. The Disk Tools icon appears on your scre e n .
4 .
D o u bl e - cl i ck the Disk Fi rst Aid icon and fo l l ow the on-screen instru c t i o n s .
Disk Fi rst Aid ch e cks your hard dri ve for any pro bl e m s .
5 .
When you are finished, choose Quit from the File menu .
6 .
Choose Restart from the Special menu .
7 .
When you see the blinking question mark icon, insert the
Install Me Fi rs t
disk into a flo p py disk dri ve and open the disk by doubl e - cl i cking its icon.
8 .
Open the Installer by doubl e - cl i cking its icon.