Installing new application pro g r a m s
Once you have fo l l owed the steps earlier in this ch a p t e r, the full capabilities of
the new PowerPC processor are in effe c t .
Your upgraded Macintosh is compatible with most softwa re intended for use
with Macintosh computers. Certain application pro grams (sometimes called
“ n a t i ve applications”) are designed especially for computers with the new
PowerPC micro p ro c e s s o r. These pro grams take best adva n t age of your comput-
e r ’s speed.
If you purchased a pro gram designed for use with the PowerPC micro p ro c e s s o r,
you can install them now by fo l l owing the instructions that came with them. Be
s u re that you have the Turbo 601 turned on during the installation to insure that
the PowerPC ve rsion of the pro gram is installed.
If you have pro blems installing a pro gram, see the manual that came with the
p ro gram or call the softwa re publisher for assistance.
Using application programs designed for the PowerPC
Some of the new PowerPC pro grams may re q u i re more memory (RAM) to wo rk
than other pro grams. If you run out of memory when you use these pro gra m s ,
you can use space on your computer’s hard disk as additional memory. This fe a-
t u re is called
v i rtual memory
Tu rning on virtual memory increases the amount of ava i l able memory, but it
m ay slightly reduce your pro grams’ speed. If maximum speed is important, yo u
can install more memory in your computer.
N OTE: RAM D o u bl e r, a product from Connectix Corporation, provides fe a t u re s
similar to Ap p l e ’s virtual memory but without decreasing perfo rmance as sig-
n i fic a n t ly. For more info rmation contact Connectix at 800-950-5880.
To turn on Ap p l e ’s virtual memory, fo l l ow these steps:
1 .
Choose Control Panels from the Apple ( ) menu and open the Memory
c o n t rol panel.
2 .
Tu rn on Vi rtual Memory.