3 .
Update your hard dri ves’ dri ver softwa re with a ve rsion known to be
c o m p a t i ble with the Power Mac. If you are using Apple HD SC Setup, update
your dri ves using ve rsion 7.3.2 or gre a t e r. If you used a non-Apple fo rm a t t e r,
contact the vendor to make sure your ve rsion is PowerPC compatibl e .
4 .
Tu rn off the Mac and re m ove the power cord and all accessory cabl e s .
5 .
P ress the power sw i t ch on the rear of the Macintosh three times to dra i n
the power supply.
6 .
Place the Macintosh on an unobstructed flat wo rk area with the rear of the
Macintosh facing yo u .
Installing the Turbo 601
1 .
R e m ove the single screw (if present) in the rear of your Macintosh and
open the cover (This pro c e d u re is detailed in the Apple Getting Start e d
re fe rence guide that came with your IIsi).
2 .
Put on the anti-static wrist strap fo l l owing the instructions on the pack age .
3 .
Locate the PDS slot and re m ove any card that may be installed there .
Figure 1 - Turbo 601 Adapter IIsi
PDS connector