The pointer movement on screen is jerky.
Clean the mouse or tra ckball.
Use the Memory control panel to turn off virtual memory.
Install more memory in your computer.
The computer behaves strangely or has problems starting up
with the Turbo 601 card turned on.
It may help to clear out all the computer’s settings (PRAM).
Hold down the -Option-P-R keys simu l t a n e o u s ly while the computer is
s t a rting up. (Make sure the Caps Lock key is not pressed.) After re s t a rt i n g ,
you will need to turn on the Turbo 601 using the Turbo 601 control panel.
You may need to use other control panels to adjust your settings for the
date, time, monitors, and file sharing, and you may need to reselect yo u r
p rinter in the Chooser.
Testing for compatibility
If your Macintosh does not start up pro p e r ly or behaves erra t i c a l ly, you may
h ave a startup pro gram (also known as a system extension or control panel)
t h a t ’s incompatible with your system softwa re .
This section tells you how to re m ove startup pro grams that are incompatibl e
with the PowerPC or with System 7.5 or gre a t e r.
Remove incompatible startup pro g r a m s
To ve rify that you have a compatibility pro blem and test individual pro gra m s ,
fo l l ow the steps below.
Verify the pro b l e m
1 .
S t a rt up your computer, holding down the space bar.
Holding down the space bar opens the Extensions Manager control panel
d u ring start u p .
2 .
Release the space bar when the Extensions Manager control panel opens.