A x e l H a r d w a r e M a n u a l
v . 1 . 0 . 4
Product Highlights
Unmatched performances thanks to Solo / Dual / Quad Core
@ 1.2 GHz
All memories you need on-board
Boot from NOR for safe applications
Enabling massive computing applications thanks to wide
range DDR3 RAM memory up to 4GB
Wide range PSU input from 2.8V to 4.5V
High mechanical retention - 100G shock - thanks to
3x140pins and 4 screw holes
Reduced carrier complexity: dual CAN, USB, Ethernet GB,
PCIe, SATA and native 3.3V I/O
Suitable for Asymmetric Multicore Processing
A timing application thanks to on-board 5ppm RTC
April, 2015
Fig. 3
: AXEL SOM (top view)