Datavideo Technologies Co., Ltd
Specify the distance value in miles (or kilometers) using the slider or
enter the value manually. Changing the distance value will change
the ACK Timeout to the appropriate value of the distance.
ACK Timeout:
Specify the ACK Timeout. Every time the device receives the data
frame it sends an ACK frame to the sender (if transmission errors are
absent). If the sender receives no ACK frame from the device within a
set timeout it re-sends the frame. If too many data frames are re-
sent (the timeout is set too short or too long) it will result in poor
throughput and performance.
If enabled the ACK Timeout value will be derived dynamically. It is
not recommended to use Auto Adjust option for long range links if
the signal level is low or a high level of interference is present. If two
or more stations are located at considerably different distances from
the device in Access Point mode the highest ACK Timeout for the
farthest station should be set at the AP side. It is not recommended
to use Auto Adjust option for Point-to-Multipoint connections.
Noise Immunity:
Check to enable. When enabled the device will automatically adjust
the noise to signal ratio for best performance. In low noise
environments it is recommended to turn off this function.