120 20170-204a
Technical Manual
Select the active channel. Transmit a TX ON (Modulated) adjustment tone by pressing the
BDLCPD’s PF1 button and following the procedure outlined in section Make sure
that deviation level read on the IFR correspond to model and bit rate in use (see Table 8 - Carrier
deviations for Tone or Data Modulation). Re-adjust deviation as necessary referring to the re-
lated Checklist (B for ParagonPD - page 28
Exciter Power Output
Apply the following settings to the IFR:
Receiver mode, Output T/R
IFR RX frequency to match the main radio TX frequency
IF Filter set to 30KHz
Select auto range in the
Power reading
Connect the coaxial cable from the IFR T/R to the Exciter output connector
Key the Exciter by pressing the module PTT button. The output power must be:
VHF (T837) = 800 mW ±200mW (no adjustment provided)
UHF (T857) = 1W ±300mW (no adjustment provided)
800/900 MHz (T881) = 4W ±300mW (RV502, Figure 32)
6.4.4 Power Amplifier Module (T889 (800-870 MHz only), T859 or T839)
For the TPL Communications Power Amplifier (PA8-2BF-LMS) adjustment, see the
section 6.4.5
Re-install the exciter module into the Paragon
rack frame.
Connect the Exciter module to the Power Amplifier.
Connect the Power Amplifier output to the IFR T/R connector or to a stand-alone BIRD style
power meter, terminated with a 150W dummy load.
Forward and reverse power alarm set (control) are identified on the PA cover.
Power Amplifier Power Output
Key the transmitter on the exciter and adjust the PA output for 100W using front panel power
control. If power cannot be reached, refer to section for T859 UHF model, Tait T839
service manual for T839 model or Tait T889 service manual for T889. Cable loss should be in-
cluded in the reading.
Forward Power Alarm Level
Power up the PA and adjust front panel power control (T889 or T839: RV109 and T859: RV63)
so that the output power is at the alarm level required, usually 20% lower than nominal value
(e.g. 40W if the PA normally operates at 50W).
Adjust the forward power alarm set (T889 or T839: RV101and T859: RV48) so that the forward
power alarm LED lights.
Adjust front panel power control (T889 or T839: RV109 and T859: RV63) for the normal oper-
ating power level