120 20170-204a
Technical Manual
1.3 Factory Technical Support
The Technical Support departments of
provide customer assistance on
technical problems and serve as an interface
with factory repair facilities. They can be
reached in the following ways:
5500 Royalmount Ave, suite 200
Town of Mount Royal
Quebec, Canada H4P 1H7
Technical support hours: Monday to Friday 9:00
AM to 5:00 PM, Eastern Time
phone: +1 514 737-0020
+1 514 737-7883
Email address: [email protected]
6160 Peachtree Dunwoody RD., suite C-200
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Technical support hours: Monday to Friday 8:30
AM to 5:30 PM, Eastern Time
phone: 1 770 392-0002
1 770 392-9199
Email address: [email protected]
1.4 Product
Warranty information may be obtained by con-
tacting your sales representative.
1.5 Replacement
This product is usually not field-serviceable,
except by the replacement of individual radio
modules. Specialized equipment and training is
required to repair logic, modem boards and ra-
dio modules.
Contact Technical Support for service informa-
tion before returning equipment. A Technical
Support representative may suggest a solution
eliminating the need to return equipment.
1.5.1 Factory
When returning equipment for repair, you must
request an RMA (Returned Material Authoriza-
tion) number. The Tech Support representative
will ask you several questions to clearly identify
the problem. Please give the representative the
name of a contact person, who is familiar with
the problem, should a question arise during
servicing of the unit.
Customers are responsible for shipping charges
for returned units. Units in warranty will be re-
paired free of charge unless there is evidence of
abuse or damage beyond the terms of the war-
ranty. Units out of warranty will be subject to
service charges. Information about these charges
is available from Technical Support.