DI–4718B Series Hardware Manual
Instrument Controls, Indicators, and Connections
Use the Configure menu to access the Stand alone setup window.
Select and configure all channels available on your device, select a sampling interval, and setup recording Trigger
conditions. The Stand alone configuration also allows you to Save/Load configurations via the File menu. Use the
help file provided in WinDaq Dashboard to learn more.
Expand the channel count of your DI-4718B with ChannelStretch. Both the DI-4718B-U and the DI-4718B-E can
synchronize with other USB devices via the USB interface. The DI-4718B-E can also synchronize with other
Ethernet instruments via the Ethernet interface. Connect up to 16 DI-4718B, DI-1120, DI-4108, and/or DI-4208
devices with a powered USB hub (or multiple cascaded/connected powered USB hubs) or Ethernet switch to record
more than 8 channels of data to a single WinDaq file. This provides a total of up to 128 analog channels and 112
digital ports at a maximum throughput rate of 480 kHz. Cascade multiple USB hubs or Ethernet switches to expand
port count. Synchronized instruments must have the same sample rate per channel, regardless of channel number,
type, or range. The WinDaq/Unlock option
per instrument
is required to synchronize two or more devices when
using WinDaq software.