2.2 - Installation
1) Open the decoder to select the main serial interface type as required (see
paragraph 2.3).
2) Provide correct system cabling according to the signals necessary (see
par. 2.5, the applicable sub-paragraphs under 2.6, par. 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9).
3) Install the Configuration Disk and configure the software parameters from
a host computer using one of the following methods:
WINHOST interface utility program. For more details refer to the
section “DP1100 Configuration” in the WINHOST Help On Line.
Host Mode programming procedure by ESC sequences via the serial
interface. For more details refer to the Word document hdp1100.doc in
the DP1100 directory.
Keyboard Mode through the keypad and the display. For more details
refer to the Word document kdp1100.doc in the DP1100 directory.
The installation is now complete.
Before installing the DP1100 it may be necessary to open it to perform the
following operations:
Select the required main serial interface. (Par. 2.3.1)
Set the multiplexer address selection on the DIP switch.
(Par. 2.6 under "RS485 Polled Interface")
Change cable connections on the glands panel. (Par. 2.3.2)
Fine tuning of the scanner position for barcode reading
can be accomplished using the Test Mode. For further
details refer to the section "Test Mode" in the Help On
Line of the Winhost utility program.