12044128 Rev. 00
D ATA M O D U L AG | w w w .data-m odul.com
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
System D ate
D ay M M /D D /YYYY
Set the D ate.
System Tim e
H H :M M :SS
Set the Tim e.
M odule Inform ation
Subm enu
D isplays M odule Inform ation.
Platform Inform ation
Subm enu
D isplays Platform Inform ation.
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
CPU Configuration
Subm enu
CPU Configuration Param eters
Pow er & Perform ance
Subm enu
Pow er & Perform ance O ptions
Trusted Com puting
Subm enu
Trusted Com puting (TPM ) Settings
Serial Port Console Redirection
Subm enu
Serial Port Console Redirection
Connectivity Configuration
Subm enu
Connectivity Configuration Param eters
Therm al Configuration
Subm enu
Therm al Configuration Param eters
SIO Configuration
Subm enu
SuperIO Settings
U SB Configuration
Subm enu
U SB Configuration Param eters
N etw ork Stack Configuration
Subm enu
N etw ork Stack Settings
CSM Configuration
Subm enu
Com patibility Support M odule Settings
N VM e Configuration
Subm enu
N VM e D evice O ptions Settings
M odule Peripherals Configuration
Subm enu
Configure M odule Peripherals
M odule H /W M onitor
Subm enu
M onitor hardw are status
M odule W atchdog Configuration
Subm enu
Configure W atchdog
M odule D isplay Configuration
Subm enu
Configure M odule D isplay options
CPU Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
H ardw are Prefetcher
D isabled
Enable/D isable the M id Level Cache (L2) stream er
Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch
D isabled
Enable/D isable the M id Level Cache (L2) prefetching
of adjacent cache lines.
Intel Virtualization Technology
D isabled
W hen enabled, a VM M can utilize the additional
hardw are capabilities provided by Vanderpool
H yper-Threading
D isabled
Enable/D isable H yper-Threading technology.
D isabled
Enable/D isable CPU Advanced Encryption Standard