12044128 Rev. 00
D ATA M O D U L AG | w w w .data-m odul.com
Serial Port 1 Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
U se This D evice
D isabled
Enable or D isable this Logical D evice.
U se A utom atic S ettings
IO = 3F8h; IRQ = 4
IO = 2F8h
IO = 3E8h
IO = 2E8h
IRQ = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12
Configure device's resource settings. N ew settings
w ill be reflected on this setup page after system
Serial Port 2 Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
U se This D evice
D isabled
Enable or D isable this Logical D evice.
U se A utom atic S ettings
IO = 2F8h; IRQ = 3
IO = 3F8h
IO = 3E8h
IO = 2E8h
IRQ = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12
Configure D evice's Resource settings. N ew
settings w ill be reflected on This Setup Page
after System restarts.
M ode
S tandard S erial Port M ode
IrD A Active pulse 1.6 uS
IrD A Active pulse 3/16 bit tim e
Configure Standard or IrD A M ode of the Serial
Parallel Port Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
U se This D evice
D isabled
Enable or D isable this Logical D evice.
U se A utom atic S ettings
IO = 378h; IRQ = 5
IO = 278h
IO = 3B Ch
IRQ = 5,6,7,9,10,11,12
Configure D evice's Resource settings. N ew
settings w ill be reflected on This Setup Page
after System restarts.
M ode
S TD Printer M ode
SPP M ode
EPP-1.9 and SPP M ode
EPP-1.7 and SPP M ode
ECP M ode
ECP and EPP 1.9 M ode
ECP and EPP 1.7 M ode
Change Parallel Port m ode. Som e of the M odes
required a D M A resource. After M ode changing,
Reset the System to reflect actual device