12044128 Rev. 00
D ATA M O D U L AG | w w w .data-m odul.com
Misc. Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
W atchdog IRQ
D isabled
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12,
14, 15
Select the IRQ for the W atchdog device. IRQ selection
w ill be available in the W atchdog m enu after reboot.
Module HW Monitor
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
Tem perature U nit
Select tem perature scale: Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Configure Fan Sensors
Subm enu
Configure Fan param eters.
Fan Configuration
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
1 – 16 (2 default)
N um ber of ticks per Fan revolution.
Fan M ode
O ff
M anual
S m artFan(TM )
Select Fan m ode of operation.
Fan Speed
10 – 100 (40 default)
Select fixed Fan Speed in % .
Trigger Tem perature
20 – 80 (40 default)
68 – 176 (104 default)
Select the tem perature at w hich the Fan starts
Initial Speed
10 – 80 (50 default)
Initial Fan Speed in % .
Control Tem perature
CPU Tem p erature
PCH Tem perature
M odule Tem perature
Tem perature to use.
Module Watchdog Configuration
Standard Mode
Param eter
V alue
Com m ent
W atchdog
D isabled
Standard M ode
W indow M ode
Enable/D isable W atchdog and select M ode.
Auto Reload
D isabled
Enable Auto Reload. If enabled, Tim eout registers w ill be
reloaded autom atically after expiration.
D isabled
If enabled, the W atchdog registers w ill be locked and
becom e read only after initialisation.
Subm enu
Configure W atchdog Stage.