Enter unit location, unit name that you want to the card to display on the location and unit name on
the left hand of the main system status page. Next select the floor or ceiling model on model type
check box then select cooling type: DX is for compressor only unit, CW is chilled water cooling only
unit and ES is for DX and CW combination unit. These selections will alter the data that displays on
the main System status page. For instance if you select DX cooling type, the CW valve data will not
display. If you select CW the compressor data will not display.
After entering this information, Press F5 on your computer to save and refresh this page, your loca-
tion and unit name will start to appear on your System status page.
B. Configure a New IP address (If necessary)
To change IP address click the “Network,” this screen will appear
Enter the new IP address where “Eth0” is on the screen above. Then click “Submit” button on the
bottom of the page. The card should reboot and the new IP address can be used to access the card.
If the card does not automatically reboot, manually reboot the card by resetting the dap4 then use
the new IP address to access the card. If the card is not accessible after changing the IP address,
use factory reboot mentioned in section II-B above to access the card and verify the IP address.