USB3-FRM13 User’s Manual
(Notice) The running order for the sample program as
Device “Open” click
“Dev. Init” click
Select Mode “8, 16, 32, 64”
Get. Res. (Get Resolution)
“Start” click
“View” Click or “Auto” check
5-1 Image Function
“Open” button
It starts a selected board device.
“Close” button
It stops a selected board device.
“Device Init” button
Press this button to initialize the function of receiving image frame data. It is performed only
once after power is applied to the board.
“Mode” Selection
Select Video Data Mode from among 8bit, 16bit, 32bit, 64bit, and 80bit (10Tap). Line Scan
Camera does not support 10Tap.
Base Configuration : 8bit, 16bit, 32bit (ignoring MSB 8bit)
Full Configuration : 64bit, 80bit (10Tap)
“Get Res.” button
It shows the image resolution.
“Start” button
It starts the image transfer. It is a Toggle button, press again stop the image transferring.
“Once” button
When press this button, it displays a freeze-frame.
“View” button
Start the image transmission.
“Data” button
Press this button to read the image frame data of the board to your PC(Hex Value). If image
frame data is not saved on the board, you must wait until the end of data collection.