3.Function in structure
When manually adjusting, for far focus situation, the dome responds at a high-speed so that touching rocker
slightly may make pictur e move rapidly, thus cause th e picture to lose. To base on humanized design, the dome
automatically adjust pan and tilt rotation according to zoom near and far, which make it is convenient to operate
manually to make tracks for the object. In the menu, you may change system parameter setting proportion pan as
ON, thus you may run this function.
If user holds the joystick in the down position, the camera rotates pan 180 degrees,
he camera rotates
tilts up to 90 degrees, you may directly watch the rear view
ocesses in portrait 180
degrees . In the menu, you may set the system parameter setting AUTO FLIP as ON, thus you may run this
Auto flip
Focus/speed proportion pan
then t
to realize surveillance all pr
Function instruction
This passage mainly describes the main function and general principle of integrated speed dome, and does
not refer to the concr ete operation methods. Different system platform has different operation methods,
generally we should according to the system man uFactory's operation manual. Please contact dealer to get
necessary info rmation, under some conditions there are have some particular requirements and operatio ns.
3. 1Auto-run motion
By the menu
par k t ime
park action
, user may set aut o-cal l preset or run tour, patt ern, and scan, etc
af ter poi nting a few minutes if t he dome doesn't run any motions.
By the m enu
power up act ion
, afte r the dome powers up or restarts, user m ay s et auto- r esume m otions before
power up and auto- cal l preset or run tour, pa ttern, and scan etc .
The user can adjust zoom far and near of t he i mage by keyboard cont roller
to obtai n panoramic
im age or close vi ew that you need.The speed dome suppor t digi tal zoom and opt ical zoom.
Syste m defaul ts Auto focus. When the lens change s, camera will auto-adj ust focus ac cording t o the centre of the
im age to get legible image; user also can ma nually focus to get desire im age by oper ating keyboar d
When operat ing keyboar d j oystick, cam era res umes to aut o f ocus.
The camer a cannot auto focus i n t he f oll owi ng status:
Targe t is not the cent re of the im age
Target is a strong light obj ect, such as spotlight & et c.
Target moves t oo f ast
Target area such as wall
Target is too dar k or vague
Target image is too sm all
Park a cti on
Power up act ion
Camera control
Focus control
3. 2
Magnification control
Observation the target near and far an the same time , can not be c lear at t he same t ime.