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In backup menu, the first row prompt the valid time of the video recording.
You could select the CD for backup in DEVICE item. DVD 1.5G , CD 500M , MINI CD 180M are optional.
If the mouse isn't inserted, you could also use USB to backup.
The table in the bottom of the backup menu displays the video record condition of the relevant channels.
2. In " CH-1 to CH-4 ", you cou ld select the backup channels. It could backup 4 channels at the same time. And you
could select one/two/three/four channels to backup at the same time as you like.
3. In the option o f date, s tart time and end time, select the date and time you need to backup or drag the arrow on th e
time scale with the mouse to select the start/ end time.
4. After confirming the channel, date and start/ end time, you could click "CALCULATE" icon to check the size of the
Network Digital Video Recorder Operation Manual ( V3.0 )