Note: For detail description of Managed Network Software and DFG48000 Switch configuration for
Network Management, please refer to DFG48000 Software Manual available on www.dantesecurity.net.
Detail info about the MNS is available on 2.2.9 of this manual.
3.6.1 RS-232 (DB-9) Console Com port (Serial port) pin assignments
The above provided information enables a managed station (a PC or Console terminal) to connect
directly to the switch using a straight through cable. (Note: The Null-Modem (DB-9) cable is optional
and can be order from the factory, along with the unit
NOTE for Power Substations:
In support of the IEEE 1613 Class 2 standard, GCI advises that, for
substation applications, the serial RJ-45console ports are intended for temporary connectivity to other
equipment such as PCs. Since the console port connection is temporary, it is excluded from IEEE 1613
packet loss testing per the 1613 standard-defined test procedure.