3.5.1 Preparation for Installing and Removing DFG48000
Be sure the power cord and connections for all powers single or dual, is unplugged from the
chassis before attempting to remove and/or replace any PM cards. Failure to do so may result
in damage to the unit and will void the warranty
Avoid Static Discharge: The port modules (like most electronic equipment) are sensitive to
static discharge. Use proper ESD measures when handling port modules.
Make sure the DFG480XX Card package has all necessary accessories to install it properly. Each
DFG480XX Card package except the Gigabit, for field installation contains (Daughterboard (Bigger) and
Granddaughter board (smaller), three 5/8 stand offs for Granddaughter board, six #4-40 Pan-Head
screws along with Front panel face plate package. The Front panel faceplate package includes 3 retainer
brackets and six #2-56 flat head screws.
Every DFG480XX Card package comes with their matching Daughter and Granddaughter board.
The copper DFG480XX card should not work properly if mixed with other Fiber combo DFG480XX card
packages. Always install the PM module separately one by one to avoid the mixing.
. Remove Chassis Cover
The DFG48000 chassis are combined with top and bottom parts and assembled together with the help of
22 Philips-head screws. There are 7 screws located on the front-bottom and rear-top of the unit and four
screws each on the sides. Remove these screws. Once these are removed, the top cover is easily lifted
off the chassis base. When the chassis top cover has been removed, the interior of the unit is exposed.
Figure 3.5.1a: Removing Chassis Cover
Caution: Be careful not to disturb the power supply.
Looking down into the DFG48000 unit, notice that there are individual PM installation spaces and female
latch (white) connectors provided on the main board along with four stand-offs for each card position.
(See Figure 3.5.1b).
Step 3.
Remove front panel face plate retaining screws
There are four PM slots (A, B, C and D) located on the front of the chassis cover. Looking into the vertical
placed Chassis cover of the unit, there are three brackets with retaining screws (#256 flat head) which
hold each PM Face plate card slot securely. These six screws shown in the picture below are used to
secure a PM face plate in position, but unscrew only four of the screws as shown in Fig. below. These
screws are also used to secure the individual DFG48000 cards screen plate which can be subjected to
significant forces from the attached cables. (See Figure 3.5.1c)