DanTaet a/s
User Manual System KMP-V
110101 func. spec. 160926
Doc.No. 417106
Revision 170823
Page 7 of 26
Function Description / Operating Modes
When operating, the system may be in one of five different operating modes
Normal operation without disturbance
Normal operation with disturbance
Leakage alarm condition
System error condition
Liquid Sensor wet/defective
Normal operation without disturbance
When initially powered up, the system will assume the ’Normal Operation’ condition,
characterized by a steady green light in the ’Status’ indicator. On start-up, the ’Data’
indicator will emit a few fast flashes, whereafter it settles at a flash interval of 10 seconds.
Other indicators remain extinguished, except ’Valve’ indicating valve position and
’Seepage Alarm’ which will flash green for a short time during the daily valve test
Normal operation with disturbance
The ’Status’ indicator switches to a steady yellow upon disturbance (valve error). Note
the disturbance is automatically acknowledged and reset when a new valve test
sequence is initiated. If the problem remains, the disturbance will be reported anew
during the valve test.
Leakage Alarm Condition
In Leakage Alarm Condition, the water supply is cut off, indicated by an extinguished
’Status’ indicator, red light in the ’Valve’ indicator, and red light (flashing after buzzer
mute) in an alarm indicator, and an acoustic alarm from the buzzer. The buzzer is muted
by a single ’Reset’ keypress. When all pending alarms have been acknowledged by one
or more subsequent ’Reset’ keypresses, the system will restart, opening the water
supply. The installation should be inspected for faults prior to restarting the system.
System Error Condition
System Errors render the system inoperative, and are signalled by a red light (flashing
after buzzer mute) in the ’Status’ indicator. The water supply will be unimpeded unless
the system was already in the leakage alarm condition when the system error struck.
System servicing is required.
Liquid Sensor wet/defective
A wet liquid sensor is signalled by a steady yellow light (flashing after buzzer mute) in
both alarm indicators. If the system is configured to cut off the installation for this error,
the ’Status’ indicator will extinguish, and the valve will close. A defective liquid sensor is
signalled by a steady yellow light (flashing after buzzer mute) in ’Seepage Alarm’ only.