DanTaet a/s
User Manual System KMP-V
110101 func. spec. 160926
Doc.No. 417106
Revision 170823
Page 16 of 26
Liquid Sensor Option
System KMP-V accepts one or two liquid sensors type LS-X after installation of interface
ILS-C. The LS-X liquid sensor responds to a water aggregation touching both its
electrodes, and can hence cause the control box to issue an alarm and if desired close
the cut-off valve when wet.
Liquid sensors are laid out where there is particular risk of water aggregation, e.g. under
a buffer tank, or by a floor drain.
Jumper row F5 determines if the valve should close when the sensor gets wet.
A liquid sensor alarm remains active while the sensor is wet, and is automatically
acknowledged once the sensor gets dry. To clear a liquid sensor alarm, it is therefore
necessary to remove the aggregated water and wipe the sensor dry.
The liquid sensor is continuously monitored, and erros such as a shorted or broken cable
are reported as system errors on the front panel as described in an earlier section.
Liquid Sensor Setting: Jumper Row F
Pos 4: Liquid Sensor and Interface Attachment.
Jumper absent = No liquid sensor installed / liquid sensor deactivated
Jumper present = Liquid sensor and interface installed and active
Pos 5: Liquid Sensor Valve Control
Jumper absent = Alarm only
Jumper present = Valve closes on wet liquid sensor
Functional test of liquid sensor
Liquid sensors are tested thus:
1. Inspect jumper setting to establish liquid sensor configuration (see above)
2. Place a wet rag over the liquid sensor so that it touches both its electrodes.
3. After a 10 second delay, the KMP-V should issue a wet sensor alarm, and if
configured to close the cut-off valve should do so as well.
Now remove the rag and wipe the liquid sensor dry; the system must revert to the Normal