FCM Series
An arrow indicates the direction of rotation
of the motor. Furthermore, the Setup
which has been selected as the Active
Setup in parameter 004 is shown. When
programming another Setup than the
Active Setup, the number of the Setup
which is being programmed will appear
to the right. This second Setup number
will flash.
At the bottom of the control panel is a red alarm LEDand
a yellow warning LED, as well as a green voltage LED.
If certain threshold values are exceeded, the alarm
and/or warning lamp lights up together with a status
and alarm text on the control panel.
The voltage LED is activated when the FC motor
receives voltage; at the same time the rear
lighting of the display will be on.
Control keys
The control keys are divided into functions. This
means that the keys between display and indicator
LEDs are used for parameter Setup, including choice
of display indication during normal operation.
Keys for local control are found under the
indicator LEDs.
Control key functions
[DISPLAY / STATUS] is used for
selecting the mode of display
or for changing back to Display
mode from either the Quick
menu mode or the Menu mode.
[QUICK MENU] is used for
programming the parameters
that belong under the Quick
menu mode. It is possible to
switch directly between Quick
menu mode and Menu mode.
[MENU] is used for programming
all parameters. It is possible to
switch directly between Menu
mode and Quick menu mode.
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