2.5.3 Process Control Relevant Parameters
Description of function
7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource
Select from which source (i.e. analog or pulse input) the process PID should get its
7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource
Optional: Determine if (and from where) the process PID should get an additional
feedback signal. If an additional feedback source is selected, the 2 feedback signals are
added together before being used in the process PID control.
7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control
[0] Normal
operation, the process control responds with an increase of the motor
speed if the feedback is lower than the reference. Under
[1] Inverse
operation, the process
control responds with a decreasing motor speed instead.
7-31 Process PID Anti Windup
The anti-windup function ensures that when either a frequency limit or a torque limit is
reached, the integrator is set to a gain that corresponds to the actual frequency. This
avoids integrating on an error that cannot be compensated for by a speed change. This
function can be disabled by selecting
[0] Off
7-32 Process PID Start Speed
In some applications, reaching the required speed/set point can take a long time. In such
applications, it may be an advantage to set a fixed motor speed from the frequency
converter before the process control is activated. This is done by setting a process PID
start value (speed) in
7-32 Process PID Start Speed
7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain
The higher the value, the quicker the control. However, too large a value may lead to
7-34 Process PID Integral Time
Eliminates steady state speed error. A lower value means a quicker reaction. However, too
small a value may lead to oscillations.
7-35 Process PID Differentiation Time
Provides a gain proportional to the rate of change of the feedback. A setting of 0 disables
the differentiator.
7-36 Process PID Diff. Gain Limit
If there are quick changes in reference or feedback in a given application (which means
that the error changes swiftly), the differentiator may soon become too dominant. This is
because it reacts to changes in the error. The quicker the error changes, the stronger the
differentiator gain is. The differentiator gain can thus be limited to allow setting of the
reasonable differentiation time for slow changes.
7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor
In applications where there is a good (and approximately linear) correlation between the
process reference and the motor speed necessary for obtaining that reference, the feed
forward factor can be used to achieve better dynamic performance of the process PID
5-54 Pulse Filter Time Constant #29
term. 29)
5-59 Pulse Filter Time Constant #33
term. 33)
6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant
(Analog term 53)
6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant
(Analog term. 54)
If there are oscillations of the current/voltage feedback signal, these can be dampened by
a low-pass filter. The pulse filter time constant represents the speed limit of the ripples
occurring on the feedback signal.
Example: If the low-pass filter has been set to 0.1 s, the limit speed is 10 RAD/s (the
reciprocal of 0.1 s), corresponding to (10/(2 x π))=1.6 Hz. This means that all
currents/ voltages that vary by more than 1.6 oscillations per second are damped by the
filter. The control is only carried out on a feedback signal that varies by a frequency
(speed) of less than 1.6 Hz.
The low-pass filter improves steady state performance, but selecting a too long filter time
deteriorates the dynamic performance of the process PID control.
Table 2.8 Process Control Parameters
Product Overview
Design Guide
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