Service Monitor User Manual
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
6.9.6 Analog Output Controls
Select the “Analog Output” tab to view the analog output
control settings. The Analog Output Control Settings
control the output labeled “Analog” on the Chiller Interface
Table 19 provides details about the analog output control
settings. To update the settings, refer to section 6.6
"Electronic Valve Data / Tuning" on page 33.
Table 18 EEPROM Settings - EXV Parameters
Control Mode
Displays which control variable will be maintained by the stepper motor
output. The options are:
Superheat control using the compressor flange temperature and
pressure (this mode is not recommended as the temperature at the
compressor flange is influenced by external factors).
Superheat control using the compressor flange pressure and a
10K thermistor that is connected to the terminals labeled “ENTRY”
on the Chiller Interface module.
Superheat control using the compressor flange pressure and a
10K thermistor that is connected to the terminals labeled “LIQT” on
the Chiller Interface module.
Superheat control using an external temperature and pressure
sensor connected to the terminals on the IO pcb labeled “SPARE
T” & “SPARE P”.
Liquid Level 1 control using a level sensor connected to the
terminals on the Chiller Interface module labeled “LIQ LEV1”.
Liquid Level 2 control using a level sensor connected to the
terminals on the Chiller Interface module labeled “LIQ LEV2”.
Load Balance control uses the compressors own internal control
algorithm to determine the best mix of speed control, inlet guide
vane opening and load balance valve opening.
Displays the compressor control mode. In automatic mode the
compressor has complete control over the stepper motor output. In
Manual mode the user is able to enter the valve position.
Stepper Startup %
Percentage of maximum steps sent to the motor on start of the
compressor. The stepper motor will hold at this position until stepper
start delay timer has expired.
Stepper Start Position Delay
Amount of time from compressor start to hold the number of steps sent
to the motor at the stepper startup %. Value is in seconds and starts to
count down when the drive enables.
Stepper Control Setpoint
Desired value of the controlled variable.
Stepper Control Loop Speed
Reaction time of the control loop to a process error.
Stepper Minimum Close %
The minimum close position for the valve while the compressor is
Maximum Step Count
Number of steps from fully closed to fully open for the installed stepper
motor driven device.