Service Monitor User Manual
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
Maximum DC voltage indicating maximum front radial y displacement.
Minimum DC voltage indicating minimum rear radial x displacement.
Maximum DC voltage indicating maximum rear radial x displacement.
Minimum DC voltage indicating minimum rear radial y displacement.
Maximum DC voltage indicating maximum rear radial y displacement.
Ax Min
Minimum DC voltage indicating minimum axial displacement.
Ax Max
Maximum DC voltage indicating maximum axial displacement.
FRX Gain
Gain Formula: Fixed Voltage / (FRX Min Voltage - FRX Max Voltage)
FRX Offset
Difference between the x-component of the front radial sensor center and the
x-component of the front touchdown bearing center. Refer to Figure 22.
FRX HW Offset
Hardware offset.
FRY Gain
Gain Formula: Fixed Voltage / (FRY Min Voltage - FRY Max Voltage)
FRY Offset
Difference between the y-component of the front radial sensor center and the
y-component of the front touchdown bearing center. Refer to Figure 22.
FRY HW Offset
Hardware offset.
BRX Gain
Gain Formula: Fixed Voltage / (BRX Min Voltage - BRX Max Voltage)
BRX Offset
Difference between the x-component of the rear radial sensor center and the x-
component of the rear touchdown bearing center. Refer to Figure 22.
BRX HW Offset
Hardware offset.
BRY Gain
Gain Formula: Fixed Voltage / (BRY Min Voltage - BRY Max Voltage)
BRY Offset
Difference between the y-component of the rear radial sensor center and the y-
component of the rear touchdown bearing center. Refer to Figure 22.
BRY HW Offset
Hardware offset.
Ax Gain
Gain Formula: Fixed Voltage / (Ax Min Voltage - Ax Max Voltage)
Ax Offset
Difference between the axial sensor zero and the touchdown axial center.
Refer to Figure 23.
Ax HW Offset
Hardware offset.
Time Stamp
Date and time of calibration.
Table 5 Calibration Data Details
Data Parameter