due to the pilot supply oil flow requirement of approximately 1 l/min [0.25 US gal/min]. With closed
center PVP the external pilot oil supply can be connected to the pressure gauge connection without the
use of a PVPC plug.
PVPC with check valve for OC PVP
Hydraulic diagram
PVPC without check valve for open or closed center PVP
PVPC without check valve is used in systems where it is necessary to supply the PVG 32 valve with oil
from a manually operated emergency pump without directing oil flow to the pilot oil supply (oil
consumption about 0.5 l/min) [0.13 US gal/min].
When the main pump is working normally, the oil is directed through the PVPC plug via the pressure
reduction valve to the electrical actuators.
Technical Information
PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Danfoss | August 2017
520L0344 | BC00000038en-US0802 | 19