The angle of the handle is determined by which side of the handle that is mount towards the base. If a
22.5° angle is needed the "dot" on the handle is not visible. If 37.5° is needed the dot should be visible.
Surface treatment
The PVG valve has as standard, an untreated surface. In certain applications, depend on different factors,
such as: salty environment, large temperature changes, high humidity, rust can develope on the surface.
This will not affect the performance of the PVG valve group. To prevent/reduce rust development,
Danfoss recommend the PVG valve group to be painted. Rust on the surface is not seen as a valid
complaint issue, neither on painted or unpainted PVG valve groups.
Technical Information
PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Danfoss | August 2017
520L0344 | BC00000038en-US0802 | 51