User Guide
MCX-RTU Rooftop
RS8KE102 | 26
© Danfoss | ADAP-KOOL® | 2018.11
Backup / Restore
Allows the user to backup/restore the parameters in the MCX-RTU to a SD card.
How it works
The Backup/Restore feature menu items are located in the Service Menu.
Backup - After you have inserted a SD card into the MCX-RTU, go to the Service Menu and select
Backup. Allow a minute for the backup to complete. The backup file is saved to the SD card with
the Modbus address of the MCX-RTU as part of the name.
Restore – Insert a SD card that has a backup file on the card. Go to the Service Menu and select
Restore. Allow a minute for the restore to complete.
Note: There is no indication when the backup/restore are complete.
Using More Than One
Zone Sensor
To use more than one zone sensor for a MCX-RTU, use parameter C57(Zone Control).
The allowed settings for this parameter are
Single – Only uses a single sensor for control
Average – Uses the average of 2 to 3 sensors for control
Low – Uses the lowest value of 2 to 3 sensors for control
High – Uses the highest value of 2 to 3 sensors for control
To add sensors to the configuration change the function of an unused analog input to either
Zone Temp 2 or Zone Temp 3. To change the function, go to Service->IO Config located in the
MCX-RTU menu. Then select an unused AI point and edit the FUNC to “Zone Temp 2” or “Zone
Temp 3” and set sensor type/min/max values to PT1000/-22.0/338.0.