1.3. About this Manual
First time users can obtain the most essential information for quick installation and set-up in these
How to Install
How to Configure the System
Application Examples
For more detailed information including the full range of set-up options and diagnosis tools please
refer to the chapters:
How to Control the Frequency Converter
How to Access the Parameters
1.4. Technical Overview
DeviceNet is a low-level network that standardizes communications between industrial devices
(sensors, limit switches, motor controls) and high-level devices (controllers). DeviceNet follows
the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model and is based on CAN technology for Media Access
Control and Physical Signalling.
DeviceNet systems can be configured to operate in a master-slave or a distributed control archi-
tecture using peer-to-peer communication. Up to 63 nodes in a multi-drop network topology are
supported, and communication options can be powered directly from the bus, using the same
cable for communication. Nodes can be removed or inserted without powering down the network.
Each node on the network has its own unique Media Access Control IDentifier (MAC ID) to dis-
tinguish it on the network. The access control is based on the CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple
Access / Collision Avoidance) principle, meaning that all nodes may have access to the network
at the same time. If two nodes attempt to get control of the network bus simultaneously, the CAN
protocol resolves the issue by arbitration. In this way collisions on the network are avoided.
DeviceNet defines device profiles for devices belonging to specific classes. For other devices, a
custom class must be defined in order to make it DeviceNet compatible. This further enhances
the interchangeability and interoperability of the network.
1. Introduction
FC 100/ 200/ 300 DeviceNet
MG.33.D3.02 - VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark